Sunday, July 13, 2008

My brother were stunk by bees.

I received a call from my mum yesterday , saying my brother Cubert were stunk by bees when he was playing in the park with our neighbor boy near our house.

Then both of them were send to Hospital cause it was pretty serious . Especially my brother so , they doctor say both of them have to spent one day night at the hospital for its might be SERIOUS although they looks fine .

Then i pray to god that both will do fine and hope they both LEARN their lesson too. I guess they must have disturb the bee hive . If not ?? then why would the bee will go stunk you for no reason , right?? unless they are been harm . But there is a possibility too.. that they din aware there were a bee hive around the park. So maybe they accidentally KACAU the bee hive.

Well , this morning i received my mum call again saying that they both are fine and they are on the way home already. THANK GOD..=] feeling better after receiving that call.

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