Friday, August 1, 2008

Zyen's 19th birthday .

July 30 is Zyen's 19th birthday =] . HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAL...
This is the picture of the birthday gal at old town . Celebrating with Pen Son ,Wen Sum , Jimmy and the others who can't make it to the club with us .

1) Sweet Zyan =] Happy birthday to Zyan and may all your wishes come true .

2) A group picture with the birthday gal .

3) This is me with Jun . Everybody !! she is a singer from W.H.Y . Support her ya..thanks.

4) Me with the birthday gal .

5) This is Chau loo with her bf Vincent . At last chau loo found her Mr.right , both i haven't seem them for a while already..i miss them leh... I am happy for them for they finally get to together. Wish you guys all the best .

6)All the pretty gal ^^ .

7) The most funny thing about us that night is that , Ivan and Guek they both are like gay . They hug and kiss each other. I think maybe they are drunk lo..not sure..haha

8) Ivan and Guek KISS Thomas...with Force...obviously Thomas is trying to get himself out of it. Haha

9) Obviously this is picture show BOTH of them again...KISS..but this time is without force..
Look at Ah boon's face..!!


He is enjoying it...OH MY GOSH...-.-

May i say lucky them who been kissed by "gay" ?^^


That night we all really have to thanks to Ah boon who organise all this and really want to wish Zyan happy 19th birthday and may all your wishes and dream come true.

To others..ENJOY while you guys can..cause we are going to FACE FINAl good luck and god bless..muaks =P