Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My dry hair.

My hair been getting more dry each day..

haih..=.= so heart broken.
Who can tell me how to solve this problem..??

My puzzle

Will you unsolve this puzzle ?

provided by flash-gear.com

Monday, July 14, 2008

Midvalley MIBC

There was a cake decoration and cake design competition going on the last week in midvalley which is MIBC.
Don't know what that stand for, so the cakes was all decorated so nice and their design were pretty special . Which we seldom can see it in any bakery shop or cake shop or even Hotel .

Here are some random picture i took that day .

1)Don't they just look cute..these are picture of chocolate.

2)CUTE or not??.. so cute le..!! hehe...looks like a lollipop to me...

3) This one..erm..its cute too =] but not as cute as the one above =P

4) CHOCOLATE !! ALL of it...o.O

5) Ratatouille...moussi...moussi..so many mouse de..

6) How did they ever draw that?? print?? no wounder la..they recieve Gold medal for that.

7)This is the Cinderella and the 7 dwarf cake. I really want to know , how long did they spent to bake and deco that cake..i wounder..

8) CHURCH....!! i think so cause it look like a church to me. I adore this cake the most , want to have a piece of it.??

9) Look...even the small little door also look so prefect. They really put a lot of effort on it. Its so detail , so CUTE...feeling want to be the little people..haha..to fit into this little tiny church door.. . Too bad i am not that small and its a cake .=.= what was i thinking .

10) KUNG FU PANDA..hai...yak !!

11) Want a piece of me?? GERrr... =P what does this panda face look like?? my friend said it look like a dog face...HAHA and i AGREE..i think panda just pee...=.= see his pants??

12) To all MUSIC lover....Do you want a piece of this cake ?? i think its call ROCK AND ROLL...babe...>.< style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalanya .. something like that..

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Will God show me the way??

I am feeling pretty down lately..
Cause my part-time job..became a burden to me..
i wanted to quit this job..!! but before i could do so, i have to find someone to replace my. ={

This 23th of July until 27th of July i wanted to join my relative to go Penang to attend the St.Anna church prayer event . Which it only happen once a year...my mum also want me to go for i always attend this event ever year back at my hometown . But right here in kl they dun have this church and only Penang happen to have this church . So..i dun wanna miss this chance to go. I CAN GO IF ONLY I DUN HAVE THIS PART-TIME JOB...sob sob...

Really pray that i can go..god show me the way...


Thank God...!! My prayer have been answer =D . I am over the moon.. YEAPI..!! My friend find me just few min ago.. she say she can take over my place . WOW..can't believe it.. at the moment when i feel wanna give up the trip to penang to join the event..then i got this great news..

My brother were stunk by bees.

I received a call from my mum yesterday , saying my brother Cubert were stunk by bees when he was playing in the park with our neighbor boy near our house.

Then both of them were send to Hospital cause it was pretty serious . Especially my brother so , they doctor say both of them have to spent one day night at the hospital for its might be SERIOUS although they looks fine .

Then i pray to god that both will do fine and hope they both LEARN their lesson too. I guess they must have disturb the bee hive . If not ?? then why would the bee will go stunk you for no reason , right?? unless they are been harm . But there is a possibility too.. that they din aware there were a bee hive around the park. So maybe they accidentally KACAU the bee hive.

Well , this morning i received my mum call again saying that they both are fine and they are on the way home already. THANK GOD..=] feeling better after receiving that call.

Dad was in kl so as my Sabah relative.

Friday my dad arrival kl but i din have the time so as my dad to meet up . Due to his metting at 3pm straight after he arrival kl . So , i went to meet up with my auntie and my cousin them at kl central .

By the way... seems that everyone love big black spec wor..


HAHA..they are my aunties , cousin and uncle..i force them to wear de =P....HOHOH

So...later that night my auntie planned to cook bak kut teh..

This is THE chef =] my uncle. He is a great cook ..YUM YUM..the aroma itself already made me hungry.

This is call you tiau in chinese...

TA..DA... Yummy...haha
i like to eat bak kut teh..its so nice. The pork and the soup ...m..m...just like it.

HEHE..this is a picture of my brother..yaya..he is huge as you all can see.
The point is..look what is he wearing ??
BATIK..oh my gosh..haha . The next day we all went to meet up with my dad . So , my uncle fetch us to this club for lunch. BUT, he didn't told my bro Matt that he have to wear collar t-shirt . So he show up with a round t-shirt ,and which it is not allowed. So , the waitress asked him to wear on this UNCLE BATIK .

The following day , dad went back to sibu lo..then me and my bro.. went back to our small little room in kl =.= .

Seriously i never thought i would say this but...i miss my mum cooking...haih..

This week i din go for church again...